Lua API reference


instance (asm, unit)Id

Returns the ID of the state machine owned by the unit, or nil.

variable_id (asm, state_machine, name)Id

Returns the ID of the variable name in the state_machine.

variable (asm, state_machine, variable_id)number

Returns the value of the variable_id in the state_machine.

set_variable (asm, state_machine, variable_id, value)

Sets the value of the variable_id in the state_machine.

trigger (asm, state_machine, event)

Triggers the event in the state_machine.


add_line (debug_line, start, end, color)

Adds a line from start to end with the given color.

add_axes (debug_line, tm, length)

Adds lines for each axis with the given length.

add_arc (debug_line, center, radius, plane_normal, midpoint_normal, color, [circle_segments = 36]);

Adds an arc at center with the given radius and plane_normal and midpoint_normal vectors.

add_circle (debug_line, center, radius, normal, color, [segments = 36])

Adds a circle at center with the given radius and normal vector.

add_cone (debug_line, from, to, radius, color, [segments = 36])

Adds a cone with the base centered at from and the tip at to.

add_sphere (debug_line, center, radius, color, [segments = 36])

Adds a sphere at center with the given radius.

add_obb (debug_line, tm, half_extents, color)

Adds an orientd bounding box. tm describes the position and orientation of the box. half_extents describes the size of the box along the axis.

add_frustum (debug_line, mvp, color)

Adds a frustum defined by mvp.

reset (debug_line)

Resets all the lines.

submit (debug_line)

Submits the lines to renderer for drawing.


argv ()table

Returns a table containing the command line parameters the engine was started with.

platform ()string

Returns a string identifying what platform the engine is running on. It can be either android, linux or windows

architecture ()string

Returns a string identifying what architecture the engine is running on. It can be either 32-bit or 64-bit.

version ()string

Returns a string identifying the engine version. The form is “major.minor.micro”.

quit ()

Quits the application.

resolution ()float, float

Returns the main window resolution (width, height).

create_world ()World

Creates a new world.

destroy_world (world)

Destroys the given world.

render (world, camera)

Renders world using camera.

create_resource_package (name)ResourcePackage

Returns the resource package with the given package_name name.

destroy_resource_package (package)

Destroy a previously created resource package.


To unload the resources loaded by the package, you have to call ResourcePackage.unload() first.

screenshot (path)

Captures a screenshot of the main window’s backbuffer and saves it at path in PNG format. The global callback screenshot (path) will be called after the file is written to disk.


Only available in debug and development builds.

console_send (table)

Sends the given lua table to clients connected to the engine. Values can be either nil, bool, number, string, table, array, Vector2, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4x4 or Color4.

can_get (type, name)bool

Returns whether the resource (type, name) is loaded. When resource autoload is enabled it always returns true.

enable_resource_autoload (enable)

Sets whether resources should be automatically loaded when accessed.

temp_count ()int, int, int

Returns the number of temporary objects used by Lua.

set_temp_count (nv, nq, nm)

Sets the number of temporary objects used by Lua.

guid ()string

Returns a new GUID.


modes ()table

Returns an array of DisplayMode tables.

set_mode (id)

Sets the display mode id. The initial display mode is automatically reset when the program terminates.


DisplayMode is a lua table with 3 fields:

  • id: The id of the display mode.

  • width: The width of the display mode.

  • height: The height of the display mode.


move (gui, pos)

Moves the Gui to pos.

triangle (gui, a, b, c, color)

Draws a triangle defined by vertices a, b and c.

rect (gui, pos, size, color)

Draws a rectangle.

image (gui, pos, size, material_resource, color)

Draws an image.

image_uv (gui, pos, size, uv0, uv1, material_resource, color)

Draws an image with explicit UV coordinates.

text (gui, pos, font_size, str, font_resource, material_resource, color)

Draws text.


events ()table

Returns an array of InputEvent tables.


InputEvent is a lua table with 4 fields:

  • id: The id of the button or axis as returned by Keyboard.button_id() for example.

  • type: One of the values from InputEventType.

  • value: The value of the axis as a Vector3 or nil when type is not an axis event.

  • device: The input device that generated the event. This is one of Keyboard, Mouse, Pad1 etc.


  • BUTTON_PRESSED: A button has been pressed.

  • BUTTON_RELEASED: A button has been released.

  • AXIS_CHANGED: An axis changed its value.


name ()string

Returns the name of keyboard.

connected ()bool

Returns whether the keyboard is connected and functioning.

num_buttons ()int

Returns the number of buttons of the keyboard.

num_axes ()int

Returns the number of axes of the keyboard.

pressed (id)bool

Returns whether the button id is pressed in the current frame.

released (id)bool

Returns whether the button id is released in the current frame.

any_pressed ()bool

Returns the id of the first button that was pressed in the current frame or nil if no buttons were pressed at all.

any_released ()bool

Returns the id of the first button that was released in the current frame or nil if no buttons were released at all.

button (id)float

Returns the value of the button id in the range [0..1].

button_name (id)string

Returns the name of the button id.

button_id (name)int

Returns the id of the button name or nil if no matching button is found.

Keyboard Button Names

  • tab, enter, escape, space, backspace

  • num_lock, numpad_enter, numpad_., numpad_*, numpad_+, numpad_-, numpad_/, numpad_0, numpad_1, numpad_2, numpad_3, numpad_4, numpad_5, numpad_6, numpad_7, numpad_8, numpad_9

  • f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12

  • home, left, up, right, down, page_up, page_down, ins, del, end

  • ctrl_left, ctrl_right, shift_left, shift_right, caps_lock, alt_left, alt_right, super_left, super_right

  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  • a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

Keyboard Axis Names



name ()string

Returns the name of the mouse.

connected ()bool

Returns whether the mouse is connected and functioning.

num_buttons ()int

Returns the number of buttons of the mouse.

num_axes ()int

Returns the number of axes of the mouse.

pressed (id)bool

Returns whether the button id is pressed in the current frame.

released (id)bool

Returns whether the button id is released in the current frame.

any_pressed ()bool

Returns the id of the first button that was pressed in the current frame or nil if no buttons were pressed at all.

any_released ()bool

Returns the id of the first button that was released in the current frame or nil if no buttons were released at all.

button (id)float

Returns the value of the button id in the range [0..1].

axis (id)Vector3

Returns the value of the axis id.

button_name (id)string

Returns the name of the button id.

axis_name (id)string

Returns the name of the axis id.

button_id (name)int

Returns the id of the button name or nil if no matching button is found.

axis_id (name)int

Returns the id of the axis name or nil if no matching axis is found.

Mouse Button Names

left, middle, right, extra_1, extra_2

Mouse Axis Names

  • cursor: Returns the cursor position (x, y) in screen coordinates.

  • cursor_delta: Returns the delta of the cursor position (x, y) since last frame.

  • wheel: Returns the movement of the mouse wheel in the y axis. Positive values of y mean upward scrolling, negative values mean downward scrolling.


name ()string

Returns the name of the touch.

connected ()bool

Returns whether the touch is connected and functioning.

num_buttons ()int

Returns the number of buttons of the touch.

num_axes ()int

Returns the number of axes of the touch.

pressed (id)bool

Returns whether the button id is pressed in the current frame.

released (id)bool

Returns whether the button id is released in the current frame.

any_pressed ()bool

Returns the id of the first button that was pressed in the current frame or nil if no buttons were pressed at all.

any_released ()bool

Returns the id of the first button that was released in the current frame or nil if no buttons were released at all.

button (id)float

Returns the value of the button id in the range [0..1].

axis (id)Vector3

Returns the value of the axis id.

button_name (id)string

Returns the name of the button id.

axis_name (id)string

Returns the name of the axis id.

button_id (name)int

Returns the id of the button name or nil if no matching button is found.

axis_id (name)int

Returns the id of the axis name or nil if no matching axis is found.

Pad1, Pad2, Pad3, Pad4

name ()string

Returns the name of the pad.

connected ()bool

Returns whether the pad is connected and functioning.

num_buttons ()int

Returns the number of buttons of the pad.

num_axes ()int

Returns the number of axes of the pad.

pressed (id)bool

Returns whether the button id is pressed in the current frame.

released (id)bool

Returns whether the button id is released in the current frame.

any_pressed ()bool

Returns the id of the first button that was pressed in the current frame or nil if no buttons were pressed at all.

any_released ()bool

Returns the id of the first button that was released in the current frame or nil if no buttons were released at all.

button (id)float

Returns the value of the button id in the range [0..1].

axis (id)Vector3

Returns the value of the axis id.

button_name (id)string

Returns the name of the button id.

axis_name (id)string

Returns the name of the axis id.

button_id (name)int

Returns the id of the button name or nil if no matching button is found.

axis_id (name)int

Returns the id of the axis name or nil if no matching axis is found.

deadzone (id)deadzone_mode, deadzone_size

Returns the deadzone mode and size for the axis id.

set_deadzone (id, deadzone_mode, deadzone_size)

Sets the deadzone_mode and deadzone_size for the axis id.

Pad Button Names

  • up, down, left, right

  • start, back, guide

  • thumb_left, thumb_right

  • shoulder_left, shoulder_right

  • a, b, x, y

Pad Axis Names

  • left, right: Returns the direction (x, y) of the left or right thumbstick [-1; +1].

  • trigger_left, trigger_right: The z element represents the left or right trigger [0; +1].


set_float (material, name, value)

Sets the value of the variable name.

set_vector2 (material, name, value)

Sets the value of the variable name.

set_vector3 (material, name, value)

Sets the value of the variable name.

set_vector4 (material, name, value)

Sets the value of the variable name.

set_matrix4x4 (material, name, value)

Sets the value of the variable name.




Vector3 (x, y, z)Vector3

Returns a new vector from individual elements.


x (v)float

Returns the x value of the vector.

y (v)float

Returns the y value of the vector.

z (v)float

Returns the z value of the vector.


Returns/assigns the x value of the vector.


Returns/assigns the y value of the vector.


Returns/assigns the z value of the vector.

set_x (v, x)

Sets the value of the x value of the vector.

set_y (v, y)

Sets the value of the y value of the vector.

set_z (v, z)

Sets the value of the z value of the vector.

elements (v)float, float, float

Returns the x, y and z elements of the vector.

add (a, b)Vector3

Adds the vector a to b and returns the result.

subtract (a, b)Vector3

Subtracts the vector b from a and returns the result.

multiply (a, k)Vector3

Multiplies the vector a by the scalar k and returns the result.

dot (a, b)float

Returns the dot product between the vectors a and b.

cross (a, b)Vector3

Returns the cross product between the vectors a and b.

equal (a, b)bool

Returns true whether the vectors a and b are equal.

length (a)float

Returns the length of a.

length_squared (a)float

Returns the squared length of a.

set_length (a, len)

Sets the length of a to len.

normalize (a)Vector3

Normalizes a and returns the result.

distance (a, b)float

Returns the distance between the points a and b.

distance_squared (a, b)float

Returns the squared distance between the points a and b.

angle (a, b)float

Returns the angle between the vectors a and b.

max (a, b)Vector3

Returns a vector that contains the largest value for each element from a and b.

min (a, b)Vector3

Returns a vector that contains the smallest value for each element from a and b.

lerp (a, b, t)Vector3

Returns the linearly interpolated vector between a and b at time t in [0, 1].

forward () : Vector3
backward () : Vector3
left () : Vector3
right () : Vector3
up () : Vector3
down () : Vector3
Returns the corresponding semantic axis.
zero ()Vector3

Returns a vector with all values set to zero.

to_string (v)string

Returns a string representing the vector v.



Vector3Box ()Vector3Box

Returns a new Vector3Box initialized with the zero vector.

Vector3Box (v)Vector3Box

Returns a new Vector3Box from the Vector3 v.

Vector3Box (x, y, z)Vector3Box

Returns a new Vector3Box from individual elements.


store (v)

Stores the Vector3 v in the box.

store (x, y, z)

Stores Vector3(x, y, z) in the box.

unbox ()Vector3

Returns the stored vector from the box.



Quaternion (axis, angle)Quaternion

Returns a new quaternion from axis and angle.

from_elements (x, y, z, w)Quaternion

Returns a new quaternion from individual elements.

from_axis_angle (axis, angle)Quaternion

Returns a new quaternion from axis and angle.


negate (q)Quaternion

Negates the quaternion q and returns the result.

identity ()Quaternion

Returns the identity quaternion.

multiply (a, b)Quaternion

Multiplies the quaternions a and b. (i.e. rotates first by a then by b).

multiply_by_scalar (a, k)Quaternion

Multiplies the quaternion a by the scalar k.

dot (a, b)float

Returns the dot product between quaternions a and b.

length (q)float

Returns the length of q.

normalize (q)Quaternion

Normalizes the quaternion q and returns the result.

conjugate (q)Quaternion

Returns the conjugate of quaternion q.

inverse (q)Quaternion

Returns the inverse of quaternion q.

power (q, exp)Quaternion

Returns the quaternion q raised to the power of exp.

elements (q)float, float, float, float

Returns the x, y, z and w elements of the quaternion.

look (dir, [up])Quaternion

Returns the quaternion describing the rotation needed to face towards dir. If up is not specified, Vector3.up() is used.

right (q)Vector3

Returns the right axis of the rotation described by q.

up (q)Vector3

Returns the up axis of the rotation described by q.

forward (q)Vector3

Returns the forward axis of the rotation described by q.

lerp (a, b, t)Quaternion

Returns the linearly interpolated quaternion between a and b at time t in [0, 1]. It uses NLerp.

to_string (q)string

Returns a string representing the quaternion q.



QuaternionBox ()QuaternionBox

Returns a new QuaternionBox initialized with the identity quaternion.

QuaternionBox (q)QuaternionBox

Returns a new QuaternionBox from the Quaternion q.

QuaternionBox (x, y, z, w)QuaternionBox

Returns a new QuaternionBox from individual elements.


store (q)

Stores the Quaternion q in the box.

store (x, y, z, w)

Stores Quaternion(x, y, z, w) in the box.

unbox ()Quaternion

Returns the stored quaternion from the box.



Matrix4x4 (xx, xy, xz, xw, yx, yy, yz, yw, zx, zy, zz, zw, tx, ty, tz, tw)Matrix4x4

Returns a new matrix from individual elements.

from_quaternion (q)Matrix4x4

Returns a new matrix from q.

from_translation (t)Matrix4x4

Returns a new matrix from t.

from_quaternion_translation (q, t)Matrix4x4

Returns a new matrix from q and t.

from_axes (x, y, z, t)Matrix4x4

Returns a new matrix from x, y, z and t.


copy (m)Matrix4x4

Returns a copy of the matrix m.

add (a, b)Matrix4x4

Adds the matrix a to b and returns the result.

subtract (a, b)Matrix4x4

Subtracts the matrix b from a and returns the result.

multiply (a, b)Matrix4x4

Multiplies the matrix a by b and returns the result. (i.e. transforms first by a then by b)

equal (a, b)bool

Returns true whether the matrices a and b are equal.

transpose (m)Matrix4x4

Transposes the matrix m and returns the result.

invert (m)Matrix4x4

Inverts the matrix m and returns the result.

x (m)Vector3

Returns the x axis of the matrix m.

y (m)Vector3

Returns the y axis of the matrix m.

z (m)Vector3

Returns the z axis of the matrix m.

set_x (m, x)

Sets the x axis of the matrix m.

set_y (m, y)

Sets the y axis of the matrix m.

set_z (m, z)

Sets the z axis of the matrix m.

translation (m)Vector3

Returns the translation portion of the matrix m.

set_translation (m, t)

Sets the translation portion of the matrix m.

rotation (m)Quaternion

Returns the rotation portion of the matrix m.

set_rotation (m, r)

Sets the rotation portion of the matrix m.

scale (m)Vector3

Returns the scale of the matrix m.

set_scale (m, r)

Sets the scale of the matrix m.

identity ()

Returns the identity matrix.

transform (m, v)Vector3

Transforms the vector v by the matrix m and returns the result.

to_string (m)string

Returns a string representing the matrix m.



Matrix4x4Box ()Matrix4x4Box

Returns a new Matrix4x4Box initialized with the identity matrix.

Matrix4x4Box (m)Matrix4x4Box

Returns a new Matrix4x4Box from the Matrix4x4 m.


store (m)

Stores the Matrix4x4 m in the box.

unbox ()Matrix4x4

Returns the stored matrix from the box.



Color4 (r, g, b, a)Color4

Returns a new Color4 from individual elements.


lerp (a, b, t)Color4

Returns the linearly interpolated color between a and b at time t in [0, 1].

black () : Color4
white () : Color4
red () : Color4
green () : Color4
blue () : Color4
yellow () : Color4
orange () : Color4
Returns the corresponding mnemonic color.
to_string (c)string

Returns a string representing the color c.


ray_plane_intersection (from, dir, point, normal)float

Returns the distance along ray (from, dir) to intersection point with plane defined by point and normal or -1.0 if no intersection.

ray_disc_intersection (from, dir, center, radius, normal)float

Returns the distance along ray (from, dir) to intersection point with disc defined by center, radius and normal or -1.0 if no intersection.

ray_sphere_intersection (from, dir, center, radius)float

Returns the distance along ray (from, dir) to intersection point with sphere defined by center and radius or -1.0 if no intersection.

ray_obb_intersection (from, dir, tm, half_extents)float

Returns the distance along ray (from, dir) to intersection point with the oriented bounding box (tm, half_extents) or -1.0 if no intersection.

ray_triangle_intersection (from, dir, v0, v1, v2)float

Returns the distance along ray (from, dir) to intersection point with the triangle (v0, v1, v2) or -1.0 if no intersection.

obb_intersects_frustum (obb_tm, obb_half_extents, n0, d0, n1, d1, n2, d2, n3, d3, n4, d4, n4, d5)bool

Returns whether the oriented bounding box (obb_tm, obb_half_extents) intersects the frustum defined by the planes ((n0, d0), (n1, d1), …, (n5, d5)). The planes be given in BRTLNF order, where B = bottom plane, R = right plane etc.

obb_vertices (obb_tm, obb_half_extents)v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7

Returns the vertices of the oriented bounding box (obb_tm, obb_half_extents).


gravity (pw)Vector3

Returns the gravity.

set_gravity (pw, gravity)

Sets the gravity.

cast_ray (pw, from, dir, length)hit, collision_pos, normal, time, UnitId, Actor

Casts a ray into the physics world and returns the closest actor it intersects with. If hit is true the following return values contain the collision_pos in world space, the normal of the surface that was hit, the time of impact in [0..1] and the unit and the actor that was hit.

cast_ray_all (pw, from, dir, length)table

Casts a ray into the physics world and returns all the actors it intersects with as an array of RaycastHit tables.

cast_sphere (pw, from, radius, dir, length)hit, collision_pos, normal, time, UnitId, Actor

Casts a sphere into the physics world and returns the closest actor it intersects with. If hit is true the following return values contain the collision_pos in world space, the normal of the surface that was hit, the time of impact in [0..1] and the unit and the actor that was hit.

cast_box (pw, from, half_extents, dir, length)hit, collision_pos, normal, time, UnitId, Actor

Casts a box into the physics world and returns the closest actor it intersects with. If hit is true the following return values contain the collision_pos in world space, the normal of the surface that was hit, the time of impact in [0..1] and the unit and the actor that was hit.

enable_debug_drawing (pw, enable)

Sets whether to enable debug drawing.


RaycastHit is a lua table with 5 fields:

  • [1]: The collision position in world space.

  • [2]: The normal of the surface that was hit.

  • [3]: The time of impact in [0..1].

  • [4]: The unit that was hit.

  • [5]: The actor that was hit.


actor_destroy (pw, actor)

Destroys the actor instance.

actor_instance (pw, unit)Id

Returns the ID of the actor owned by the unit, or nil.

actor_world_position (pw, actor)Vector3

Returns the world position of the actor.

actor_world_rotation (pw, actor)Quaternion

Returns the world rotation of the actor.

actor_world_pose (pw, actor)Matrix4x4

Returns the world pose of the actor.

actor_teleport_world_position (pw, actor, position)

Teleports the actor to the given world position.

actor_teleport_world_rotation (pw, actor, rotation)

Teleports the actor to the given world rotation.

actor_teleport_world_pose (pw, actor, pose)

Teleports the actor to the given world pose.

actor_center_of_mass (pw, actor)Vector3

Returns the center of mass of the actor.

actor_enable_gravity (pw, actor)

Enables gravity for the actor.

actor_disable_gravity (pw, actor)

Disables gravity for the actor.

actor_enable_collision (pw, actor)

Enables collision detection for the actor.

actor_disable_collision (pw, actor)

Disables collision detection for the actor.

actor_set_collision_filter (pw, actor, name)

Sets the collision filter of the actor.

actor_set_kinematic (pw, actor, kinematic)

Sets whether the actor is kinematic or not.


This call has no effect on static actors.

actor_is_static (pw, actor)bool

Returns whether the actor is static.

actor_is_dynamic (pw, actor) bool

Returns whether the actor is dynamic.

actor_is_kinematic (pw, actor)bool

Returns whether the actor is kinematic (keyframed).

actor_is_nonkinematic (pw, actor)bool

Returns whether the actor is nonkinematic (i.e. dynamic and not kinematic).

actor_linear_damping (pw, actor)float

Returns the linear damping of the actor.

actor_set_linear_damping (pw, actor, damping)

Sets the linear damping of the actor.

actor_angular_damping (pw, actor)float

Returns the angular damping rate of the actor.

actor_set_angular_damping (pw, actor, rate)

Sets the angular damping rate of the actor.

actor_linear_velocity (pw, actor)Vector3

Returns the linear velocity of the actor.

actor_set_linear_velocity (pw, actor, velocity)

Sets the linear velocity of the actor.


This call only affects nonkinematic actors.

actor_angular_velocity (pw, actor)Vector3

Returns the angular velocity of the actor.

actor_set_angular_velocity (pw, actor, velocity)

Sets the angular velocity of the actor.


This call only affects nonkinematic actors.

actor_add_impulse (pw, actor, impulse)

Adds a linear impulse (acting along the center of mass) to the actor.


This call only affects nonkinematic actors.

actor_add_impulse_at (pw, actor, impulse, position)

Adds a linear impulse (acting along the world position pos) to the actor.


This call only affects nonkinematic actors.

actor_add_torque_impulse (pw, actor, impulse)

Adds a torque impulse to the actor.

actor_push (pw, actor, velocity, mass)

Pushes the actor as if it was hit by a point object with the given mass travelling at the given velocity.


This call only affects nonkinematic actors.

actor_push_at (pw, actor, velocity, mass, position)

Like push() but applies the force at the world position.


This call only affects nonkinematic actors.

actor_is_sleeping (pw, actor)bool

Returns whether the actor is sleeping.

actor_wake_up (pw, actor)

Wakes the actor up.


enter_scope (name)

Starts a new profile scope with the given name.

leave_scope ()

Ends the last profile scope.

record (name, value)

Records value with the given name. Value can be either number or Vector3.


enable_debug_drawing (rw, enable)

Sets whether to enable debug drawing.


mesh_create (rw, unit, mesh_resource, geometry_name, material_resource, visible, pose)Id

Creates a new mesh instance for unit and returns its id.

mesh_destroy (rw, mesh)

Destroys the mesh instance.

mesh_instance (rw, unit)Id

Returns the ID of the mesh owned by the unit, or nil.

mesh_material (rw, mesh)Material

Returns the material of the mesh.

mesh_set_material (rw, mesh, material)

Sets the material of the mesh.

mesh_set_visible (rw, mesh, visible)

Sets whether the mesh is visible.

mesh_obb (rw, mesh)Matrix4x4, Vector3

Returns the Oriented-Bounding-Box of the mesh as (pose, half_extents).

mesh_cast_ray (rw, mesh, from, dir)float

Returns the distance along ray (from, dir) to intersection point with the mesh or -1.0 if no intersection.


sprite_create (rw, unit, sprite_resource, material_resource, visible, pose)Id

Creates a new sprite instance for the unit and returns its id.

sprite_destroy (rw, sprite)

Destroys the sprite instance.

sprite_instance (rw, unit)Id

Returns the ID of the sprite owned by the unit, or nil.

sprite_material (rw, sprite)Material

Returns the material of the sprite.

sprite_set_material (rw, sprite, material)

Sets the material of the sprite.

sprite_set_frame (rw, sprite, index)

Sets the frame index of the sprite. The index automatically wraps if it greater than the total number of frames in the sprite.

sprite_set_visible (rw, sprite, visible)

Sets whether the sprite is visible.

sprite_flip_x (rw, sprite, flip)

Sets whether to flip the sprite on the x-axis.

sprite_flip_y (rw, sprite, flip)

Sets whether to flip the sprite on the y-axis.

sprite_set_layer (rw, sprite, layer)

Sets the rendering layer of the sprite.

sprite_set_depth (rw, sprite, depth)

Sets the rendering depth of the sprite.

sprite_obb (rw, sprite)Matrix4x4, Vector3

Returns the Oriented-Bounding-Box of the sprite as (pose, half_extents).

sprite_cast_ray (rw, sprite, from, dir)float, int, int

Returns (t, layer, depth), where t is the distance along ray (from, dir) to intersection point with the sprite or -1.0 if no intersection.


light_create (rw, unit, type, range, intensity, spot_angle, color, pose)Id

Creates a new light for the unit and returns its id. Type can be either directional, omni or spot.

light_destroy (rw, light)

Destroys the light instance.

light_instance (rw, unit)Id

Returns the ID of the light owned by the unit, or nil.

light_type (rw, light)string

Returns the type of the light. It can be either directional, omni or spot.

light_color (rw, light)Color4

Returns the color of the light.

light_range (rw, light)float

Returns the range of the light.

light_intensity (rw, light)float

Returns the intensity of the light.

light_spot_angle (rw, light)float

Returns the spot angle of the light.

light_set_type (rw, light, type)

Sets the type of the light.

light_set_color (rw, light, color)

Sets the color of the light.

light_set_range (rw, light, range)

Sets the range of the light.

light_set_intensity (rw, light, intensity)

Sets the intensity of the light.

light_set_spot_angle (rw, light, angle)

Sets the spot angle of the light.

light_debug_draw (rw, light, debug_line)

Fills debug_line with debug lines from the light.


load (package)

Loads all the resources in the package.


The resources are not immediately available after the call is made, instead, you have to poll for completion with has_loaded().

unload (package)

Unloads all the resources in the package.

flush (package)

Waits until the package has been loaded.

has_loaded (package)bool

Returns whether the package has been loaded.


create (sg, unit, position, rotation, scale)Id

Creates the transform for the unit and returns its ID.

destroy (sg, transform)

Destroys the transform instance.

instance (sg, unit)Id

Returns the ID of the transform owned by the unit, or nil.

local_position (sg, transform)Vector3

Returns the local position of the transform.

local_rotation (sg, transform)Quaternion

Returns the local rotation of the transform.

local_scale (sg, transform)Vector3

Returns the local scale of the transform.

local_pose (sg, transform)Matrix4x4

Returns the local pose of the transform.

world_position (sg, transform)Vector3

Returns the world position of the transform.

world_rotation (sg, transform)Quaternion

Returns the world rotation of the transform.

world_pose (sg, transform)Matrix4x4

Returns the world pose of the transform.

set_local_position (sg, transform, position)

Sets the local position of the transform.

set_local_rotation (sg, transform, rotation)

Sets the local rotation of the transform.

set_local_scale (sg, transform, scale)

Sets the local scale of the transform.

set_local_pose (sg, transform, pose)

Sets the local pose of the transform.

link (sg, parent, child, child_local_position, child_local_rotation, child_local_scale)

Links child to parent. After linking the child will follow its parent. Set child_local_* to modify the child position after it has been linked to the parent, otherwise che child will be positioned at the location of its parent.

unlink (sg, child)

Unlinks child from its parent if it has any. After unlinking, the local pose of the @a child is set to its previous world pose.


stop_all (sound_world)

Stops all the sounds in the world.

pause_all (sound_world)

Pauses all the sounds in the world

resume_all (sound_world)

Resumes all previously paused sounds in the world.

is_playing (sound_world, id)bool

Returns whether the sound id is playing.


create ([world])UnitId

Creates a new empty unit. If world is specified, the unit will be owned by that world.

destroy (unit)

Destroys the given unit.

alive (unit)bool

Returns whether the unit is alive.


show ()

Shows the window.

hide ()

Hides the window.

resize (width, height)

Resizes the window to width and height.

move (x, y)

Moves the window to x and y.

minimize ()

Minimizes the window.

maximize ()

Maximizes the window.

restore ()

Restores the window.

title ()string

Returns the title of the window.

set_title (title)

Sets the title of the window.

show_cursor (show)

Sets whether to show the cursor.

set_fullscreen (fullscreen)

Sets whether the window is fullscreen.

set_cursor (cursor)

Sets the mouse cursor on this window. Cursor can be any of arrow, hand, text_input, corner_top_left, corner_top_right, corner_bottom_left, corner_bottom_right, size_horizontal, size_vertical or wait.

set_cursor_mode (cursor, mode)

Sets the mouse cursor mode on this window. Mode can be either normal or disabled. Setting the mode to disabled hides the cursor and automatically re-centers it every time it is moved.


spawn_unit (world, name, [position, rotation, scale])UnitId

Spawns a new instance of the unit name at the given position, rotation and scale.

spawn_empty_unit (world)UnitId

Spawns a new empty unit and returns its id.

destroy_unit (world, unit)

Destroys the given unit.

num_units (world)int

Returns the number of units in the world.

units (world)table

Returns all the the units in the world in a table.

unit_by_name (world, name)UnitId

Returns the unit with the given Level Editor name or nil if no such unit is found. If there are multiple units with the same name, a random one will be returned.

update_animations (world, dt)

Update all animations with dt.

update_scene (world, dt)

Updates the scene with dt.

update (world, dt)

Updates the world with dt.

create_debug_line (world, depth_test)DebugLine

Creates a new DebugLine. depth_test controls whether to enable depth test when rendering the lines.

destroy_debug_line (world, line)

Destroys the debug line.

create_screen_gui (world)Gui

Creates a new Gui.

destroy_gui (world, gui)

Destroys the gui.

scene_graph (world)SceneGraph

Returns the scene graph.

render_world (world)RenderWorld

Returns the render sub-world.

physics_world (world)PhysicsWorld

Returns the physics sub-world.

sound_world (world)SoundWorld

Returns the sound sub-world.

animation_state_machine (world)AnimationStateMachine

Returns the animation state machine.


camera_create (world, unit, projection, fov, far_range, near_range, pose)Id

Creates a new camera for unit and returns its id. Projection can be either orthographic or perspective.

camera_destroy (world, camera)

Destroys the camera instance.

camera_instance (world, unit)Id

Returns the ID of the camera owned by the unit, or nil.

camera_set_projection_type (world, camera, projection)

Sets the projection type of the camera. Projection can be either orthographic or perspective.

camera_projection_type (world, camera)string

Returns the projection type of the camera. It can be either orthographic or perspective.

camera_fov (world, camera)float

Returns the field-of-view of the camera in degrees.

camera_set_fov (world, camera, fov)

Sets the field-of-view of the camera in degrees.

camera_near_clip_distance (world, camera)float

Returns the near clip distance of the camera.

camera_set_near_clip_distance (world, camera, near)

Sets the near clip distance of the camera.

camera_far_clip_distance (world, camera)float

Returns the far clip distance of the camera.

camera_set_far_clip_distance (world, camera, far)

Sets the far clip distance of the camera.

camera_set_orthographic_size (world, camera, half_size)

Sets the vertical half_size of the orthographic view volume. The horizontal size is proportional to the viewport’s aspect ratio.

camera_screen_to_world (world, camera, pos)Vector3

Returns pos from screen-space to world-space coordinates.

camera_world_to_screen (world, camera, pos)Vector3

Returns pos from world-space to screen-space coordinates.


play_sound (world, name, [loop, volume, position, range])SoundInstanceId

Plays the sound with the given name at the given position, with the given volume and range. loop controls whether the sound must loop or not.

stop_sound (world, id)

Stops the sound with the given id.

link_sound (world, id, unit, node)

Links the sound id to the node of the given unit. After this call, the sound id will follow the unit unit.

set_listener_pose (world, pose)

Sets the pose of the listener.

set_sound_position (world, id, position)

Sets the position of the sound id.

set_sound_range (world, id, range)

Sets the range of the sound id.

set_sound_volume (world, id, volume)

Sets the volume of the sound id.


load_level (world, name, [pos, rot])Level

Loads the level name into the world at the given position and rotation.