Glossary ======== This page lists definitions for terms used in Crown and this manual. .. glossary:: :sorted: Component A collection of data that is necessary for a given simulation to be computed. Unit A collection of distinct :term:`components`. This is the basic building block used to represent all kinds of different objects in a :term:`World` simulation. Level A collection of :term:`units`, :term:`sounds` and other objects to be used together in a :term:`World`. Resource The file that describes a particular piece of data to be used by the :term:`Runtime`. Resource files typically contain definitions for :term:`units `, :term:`levels `, :term:`Lua` scripts etc. Source Data The collection of :term:`Resource` files stored inside the :term:`Source Directory`. Source Directory The directory where the :term:`Source Data` is stored on disk. Data Directory The directory where the :term:`Data Compiler` output is stored on disk. Data Compiler The incremental compiler that transforms generic, human-readable :term:`Source Data` into specialized, high-performance binary blobs ready to be loaded in memory and consumed by the :term:`Runtime`. Runtime The executable that reads data from the :term:`Data Directory` and transforms it to produce a particular output based on the logic defined by the programmer and the input given by the user. This is the executable that will be distributed to the end user of your game. World The object where the simulation of a number of :term:`units` occur. This simulation can be advanced in time and its results can be rendered on screen from arbitrary view points defined by a :term:`Camera`. Camera An object that describes a position and orientation in space, along with other geometric parameters, used to render a :term:`World` on screen from a specific perspective. Lua The scripting language used in Crown. Shader A program that runs on dedicated hardware to produce graphical output on the screen or other off-screen buffers. Sound A 3D object used to play sounds in a :term:`World`. Sprite An object used to represent animated 2D graphics on the screen. Mesh An object used to represent animated 3D graphics on the screen. Texture An object used to describes visual features for :term:`sprites`, :term:`meshes` etc.